Want to sell more? Then this two-day workshop is for you! This two day fun , interactive and challenging workshop will help you to improve productivity and close more sales. You will learn about the key elements involved in ‘effective selling’ and how to put them together. You will also put this learning into practise via role play and ‘peer to peer’ & group discussions.
This workshop will enable you to
Understand the key elements of the full sales cycle
Improve your communication techniques
Identify and articulate your USP
Develop and refine your Elevator Pitch
Overcome common sales objections
Select the most appropriate sales technique
Quickly Identify buying signals
Select and execute the most appropriate closing sales technique
This workshop is suitable for all business sectors and free for any business based in Leicester or Leicestershire. Day 1 - 24th October, Day 2 - 31st October. Only one place per business.